Career Stories

Thursday 10th August 9am - 2pm & 4pm - 8pm
Friday 11th August 9am - 2pm

Mercury Baypark Arena. Free entry

Looking to make it in the media world? Bernie's advice will help

Looking to make it in the media world? Bernie's advice will help

Bernie Morgan.  Senior Account Manager.  Mediaworks. 

What did you want to be when you were 16?
 A Writer.

What did you end up doing when you left school?
Studied and became a Registered Nurse.

Describe a day in your life at work:
Anything from meeting with prospecting new clients to servicing existing clients, working on marketing solutions or developing ad campaigns with our creative and production team.

Why do you love your job/career?
I get to work with amazing clients. Every day is totally different which makes it super fun and interesting, and I can work totally independently.

How did you get into your career?
Through a contact who was employed by Mediaworks.

What qualifications did you study?
Nothing for my current role. For my previous job, I studied a Diploma in Nursing.

Do you have any advice for getting into your sector?
Make yourself known to the staff and radio station and offer to intern or work for free to gain experience and a foot in the door. Many people have got jobs with the company that way. Also look into studying Marketing or Media. Toi Ohomai run an excellent Media course!

What do you wish you had done differently?
Nothing. It's all happening perfectly

What would you say to your teenage self about defining your future?
Work hard but stay relaxed. A career is a marathon - not a sprint. And make sure you're having fun!! Always!!

Title Media Sales

Event Supporters

A huge thank you to the following businesses for your support in bringing this event to life