Career Stories

Thursday 10th August 9am - 2pm & 4pm - 8pm
Friday 11th August 9am - 2pm

Mercury Baypark Arena. Free entry

Is events management the career for you? Find out why Millie loves her role

Is events management the career for you? Find out why Millie loves her role

Millie Newitt, Downtown Tauranga Promotions and Events.

What did you want to be when you were 16?
I never had a specific job title in mind. I did, however, know that I loved the arts; painting, design and drama. I also knew that I was a very social person. A career with these qualities was always going to be important to me.

What did you end up doing when you left school?
I went straight to Victoria University in Wellington to study Media Communications and Theatre. After graduating, I went travelling! 

Describe a day in your life at work:
I interact with at least 30 people in a day, helping to answer questions, bounce ideas, organise projects and communicate through social media. Every day is different and incredibly varied. There is never a moment when I’m bored, and I love it that way.

Why do you love your job/career?
I get to use my creative skills and passion for growing community and culture, in ways I never imagined was possible. 

How did you get into your career?
When I was 22 I decided to study Fine Arts, my true love, at TOI Ohomai Institute of Technology. This qualification helped me to land the Gallery Curator position at Creative Tauranga, a position I feel has opened many doors in my career journey. I’ve done a lot of volunteering, for events and art projects, such as public murals as well.

What qualifications did you study?
Bachelor of Arts – Victoria University of Wellington
Post Graduate Diploma in Fine Arts – TOI
Ohomai Institute of Technology

Do you have any advice for getting into your sector?
Say yes! Volunteer - put your hand up for projects, even if it seems really outside the box. Meet people, work hard, do what you love and enjoy it. Smile. 

What do you wish you had done differently?
Nothing. If I had done something differently, I may not have ended up where I am today. 

What would you say to your teenage self about defining your future?
If you want to try something, go for it, full steam! Be open to change, because the future is never defined. Do what you love.

Title Event Management

Event Supporters

A huge thank you to the following businesses for your support in bringing this event to life